Former Male Model of the Year, ABC’s Next Bachelor Award winner and Mr. India Global winner. Also past winner of Mr. India America East Coast & Mr. South Asia USA. Dhaval Panchal, lives by the words of famed international and renowned Indian Political leader Mahatma Gandhi, “The future depends on what you do today,” and believes in the words of Winston Churchill that “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Currently residing in South Carolina where he pursed his degree in Fine Arts and minor in Computer Science at the University of South Carolina Aiken, Dhaval is also the STAR PLUS TV PEOPLE’S CHOICE winner and credits his parents, Hina Panchal and Pradip Panchal, for instilling in a sense of responsibility and a “never quit” attitude to live. Dhaval is also a successful Entrepreneur, where he is pursuing opening his own company for Amazon rop-shipping business, so he can help not only himself but also his close families and friends to start their own business without investing such a less amount.

Sayings from both Marilyn Monroe and Steve Jobs have made an impact in Dhaval’s life. “Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.” Steve Jobs has taught him that, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
Due to the ‘knowledge’, ‘confidence’, and ‘strength’ gained from his parents and role models, Dhaval not only has the momentum and renewed desire succeed in his life pursuits. Whatever he eventually does in life, he wants people to define him with those words (‘knowledge’, ‘confidence’, and ‘strength’) when he reaches his goal and succeed in life. “They give me inspiration to keep going,” he likes saying.

Dhaval states he wants his fans to see him as “a loyal, considerate, and cheerful person”. He does not let fame get to him and lives life with no regrets. Dhaval is a hard-working individual who strives each day to never let failure and ignorant people stop him from loving what he does and succeeding in life. Dhaval has come a long way and believes his knowledge and courage can get him anywhere. Considered a jokester, Dhaval never fails to put smiles on faces, and he’ll go out of his way to please others. He is respectful, and though sometimes a little stubborn, Dhaval’s great personality tops it. He believes his character and kind-hearted and loving personality will get him anywhere.” Would his elementary school teachers say anything different from his fans? Dhaval credited his elementary teachers for bringing out his courage for believing that was intelligent and still to this day I’ve been told the same. And besides complimented him on his cuteness, Dhaval said they would more aptly described him as “a brave and an intelligent individual who doesn’t hesitate to become successful.” According to Dhaval, he enjoys life as it is and feels courageous going into the future.

Finding ways to help out when he need ideas. They should be able to find ways to solve any issues or be creative along with he has support extended to him.
However, the three most important things that his fan NEEDS to understand and feel in order to make a decision to work with Dhaval are:

The first most important thing my fans need to understand that I will always keep my word and never back down from anything. I have confidence in my fans and feel that they should be pleased in many ways.

Secondly, they should feel and understand that I want my fans to appreciate what I do and what I love. The decisions I make are from my heart and mind and I couldn’t let anyone down. I want to please others just as much as I want to please myself. Fame and prosperity are my dreams, but pleasing others while I live my dream is even better.

Lastly, my fans need to understand that I will work until the job is done. I am hardworking and committed to my work. I want everything to be precise so that there is no disappointment. Being a fan of mine is certainly more than I could ask for, and I know I could rely on them to help me move further.
Finally, the life stories (or experiences) that demonstrate the intersection of his fan’s influence and his wants and needs are too much to document here. However, the most notable, in words are:
dhaval panchal

Firstly, I have always dreamt of being a model and I achieved it, however, I have always dreamt of being an actor too. Modeling was my focus at that point. I started to model before I thought of becoming an actor. It all started in 2010 when I was questioned to try acting. I had no earthly idea how to start. Me? As an actor? Sounds wonderful! But how will I be comfortable appearing on stage and in films with so many people watching my actions. I was confused on what decision to make. So finally, I gave it a try. I attended an acting class, and I was just astonished because I loved it so much. Now I can appear on stage, and TV shows and act in films without the fear of being shy. I’ve been acting and modeling for the past seven years and couldn’t regret any decisions I made. I have worked on a few movies such as The Hunger Games, and The Internship & Let’s Be Cops. Also, I have appeared on TV shows such as Homeland, Necessary Roughness Season 2, and Single Ladies. This all couldn’t have been accomplished without my parent’s support and my fans throughout the nation who have given me love and support. I gave all my efforts to pursue my career as an actor and I will continue to put in more efforts.

When the host finally announced my name and declared me the winner of Mr. South Asia USA and Star TV’s People Choice Award, I had forgotten how to speak the languages I knew because I was so relieved to finally feel that my hard work paid off. My parents have always told me that the person who works hard with passion and loyalty is a person who is the winner of all shows. I’m the type of a person who dreams of many goals and converts them into a reality because after all a dream not turned into reality is a dreamed wasted. My all-time favorite yet simple quote has to be, “create the highest, grandest visions possible for your life because you become what you believe.” This quote not only inspired me to win the big tittle of Mr. South Asia USA, but taught me to never to think of myself as a low or an unworthy person in life. I don’t consider myself higher than anyone, but I certainly do consider myself blessed for having such great parents and fans who have never doubted my abilities and being unique out of all for converting my dreams into a reality.

With his new website, Dhaval is expecting a fan base of support that will continue to spur him onto fame through thick or thin. Describing his fan base as “true and loyal,” Dhaval looks forward to a following that will “praise my dedication and ignore failures I’ve been through. Fans should always think positive and cherish my good reputation.”